Journal Entry - Chapter 24

1. Chapter 24 pages 493 - 513
2. Peekay continues his work as a grizzly man. However, he gets in an accident, knocking him unconscious underneath ten tons of rock. Rasputin and the rest of the men try to get him out, and Rasputin, extremely exhausted, dies right when he unburies Peekay. Full of devastation, Peekay makes a nice gravestone for Rasputin after he gets out of the hospital. Peekay gets paid enough money so he can quit his job and afford his tuition for Oxford. A couple days before he leaves, Peekay makes some raffle tickets to raise money from the fine brandy sent by Botha, Peekay’s diamond driller. But Botha, a dangerous man that will hurt someone if anyone gets in his way when he is drunk, comes into the bar, wanting to kill Peekay, not recognizing him. Peekay realizes that it is the Judge from his first boarding school, and boxes him, wanting revenge. He knocks the Judge out and makes things even, wiping the slate clean, and removing the hate.
a. Rasputin
- Strong
- Giant-Like
- Caring
- Kind-Hearted
- Determined
- Loving
- Talented
- Friendly
d. In this chapter, Rasputin is another character that shapes Peekay. Rasputin shows Peekay compassion, and keeps him company. He really cares for Peekay; he is the one who goes down into rocks and dies getting Peekay out. More than anything, Rasputin gives Peekay a friendship, which in the end, counts for a lot. “…we had been friends, our friendship based less on words than on the things we shared.” (488) He helps Peekay’s confidence as well, crying because he is so proud, and celebrating with his famous rabbit stew. He helps Peekay get through his working days, which is essential in these final chapters of the novel.
4. A passage that seemed significant to me is, “My childlike notion of camouflage to avoid being emotionally besieged had persisted. In my mind, although I’m certain at the time I would not have been able to articulate the idea, the mines represented a return to the fear of that first boarding school. But this time it was I who would win…but this time I would not be broken. I had come to the mines to find out who the hell I really was.” (495) This quote shows that Peekay wants to overcome all of the difficulties he faced and is still facing in his life. He finally, through all of his hardships, has the power of one, the power to control his own destiny, and to think his own way, on his own terms. He has the power to be different, and to make his own identity. His entire journey, starting from the age of five, has greatly influenced who he is and the end of the novel, and he learns so much from his mentors, experiences, and obstacles he encountered.

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